Tributes 2025 Vic Simon Moore - January 2025 We are saddened to advise the passing of Simon Moore in NSW in late December 2024. He was inducted into the club in 2017. Simon’s career commenced as a casual on 8th December 1992 and he held many senior management positions in stores and later attached to the regional office in NSW. Simon was the eldest Son of Ted & Robyn Moore, and he will be sadly missed. A celebratory service to honour Simon will be held on15th January at 1.15pm @ Northern Chapel, Northern Suburbs Crematorium, 199 Delhi Road North Ryde NSW 2113. The service will be live streamed via Service - Simon Moore Please note registration is required beforehand SA Tributes 2024 Vic Alan Robertson - November 2024 We are saddened to advise the passing of Alan Robertson. Alan was inducted into the club in 2005. His career commenced in Internal Audit in Melbourne. Prior to his retirement he held various senior roles in the IT area. Alan will be sadly missed. Jim MacKenzie - September 2024 We are saddened to advise the passing of Jim MacKenzie some months ago, he was inducted into the club in 1980. Jim's career was mainly in the Supermarket Division. He held many senior positions and was a mentor to many, always willing in sharing his knowledge. Jim will be sadly missed. Graham Permezel - July 2024 We are saddened to advise the passing of Graham Permezel. He was inducted into the club in 1981. Graham's career commenced as Trainee Manager @ Variety store #13 Footscray in 1956 followed by other metro & country appointments. He transferred into H/O buying 1964 and in 1980 was appointed Controller Garden buying and later moved to Personal Dept. Prior to his retirement in 1993 was NSW Merchandise Manager. Graham will be sadly missed. Stuart Schmolling - July 2024 We are saddened to advise the passing of Stuart Schmolling late last week, he was inducted into the club in 1986. Stuart's career commenced in Ringwood variety store and then moved into H/O Buying as hardware & garden buyer. Stuart will be sadly missed. Robert Coles - May 2024 We are saddened to advise the passing of Robert Coles. Robert was inducted into the Coles 25-year club in 1979. Robert held numerous executive positions within the Company throughout his career, including being a director for 24 years. It was Robert’s father Sir Edger Coles, who as Managing Director from 1944 until his retirement in 1967, established the Coles 25-year club in 1957. Robert therefore held a special fondness towards the club, and it was fitting that he proposed the toast to the company in the Centennial year of 2014 at the Vic. 25-year club annual luncheon. Robert will be sadly missed. Gary Nye - May 2024 It is with regret that we advise the passing of Gary Nye on 10th May, 2024, after a long illness. Gary was inducted into the Club in 1995, he commenced working in Coles SA as a Trainee Manager and worked through to Store Manager, HR positions in SA then onto HR Senior roles in Coles Victoria. He moved onto to Target as National HR Manager and moved into Operations again initially as Managing Director of Bi-lo before eventually moving back to Target also in the capacity of Managing Director. Gary will be sadly missed. The Coles SA 25 Year Club Social Group sends it's deepest sympathies to his family on their great loss. Peter Byrne - April 2024 We are saddened to advise the passing of Peter Byrne who was inducted into the club in 1986. Peter commenced his career in NSW variety stores and managed a number of Kmarts including K1 Burwood. Prior to his retirement he was National Manager Store Operations @ Coles Fosseys. Peter will be sadly missed. Robert Desfosses - April 2024 We are saddened to advise the passing of Robert Desfosses. Robert was inducted into the club in 1999. Robert managed a number of Victoria supermarkets & prior to his retirement was a Regional Supermarket Manager. Robert will be sadly missed . SA Andrew Visentin - May 2024 It is with much sadness that members are informed of the passing of Andrew Visentin. Andrew was inducted into the club in 1999 after his career within the Gepps Cross Distribution Centre. Our deepest sympathies to Anfrew's family. Please refer the Advertiser for the notice of his passing Tributes 2023 SA/NT Mary Joyce - September 2023 It is with much sadness that members are informed of the passing of Mary Joyce. A long standing club member Mary's work history spanned across Supermarkets (Store 23) and Kmart (Ingle Farm). Shortly prior to her passing, Mary turned 100 years old. Our sympathies to her family and friends. VIC Geoff Williams - December 2023 Members are advised of the passing of Geoff Williams in December. Geoff will be sadly missed. David Bird - November 2023 We are saddened to advise of the recent passing of David Bird inducted in 1994. David's career commenced in variety stores before transferring to Head office Accounts Payable. Some time later he moved to Sydney office, finally returning to Coles & Fosseys in various accounting roles. David will be sadly missed Alf Goodliffe - November 2023 We are saddened to advise of the recent passing of Alf Goodliffe inducted into the club in 1980. Alf's career was mainly with Coles variety store's & he also spent some time in Head office Apparel Quality Control. Our sympathies to Alf's family and friends Jan Gannaway (nee Cummings) - July 2023 We are saddened to advise of the recent passing of Jan Gannaway on 12th July (Inducted into club 1978). Jan's career commenced in the Warrnambool Variety store and she later moving to Carnegie as the store window dresser then moving into Head Office working with Geoff Mason with responsibility for maintaining the records of the 25 year club and assisting with the planning of functions for the company board members and senior executives. Prior to retirement Jan married Alex Gannaway (another long serving Coles employee) and moved back to Warrnambool. Jan will be sadly missed. Max Pearce - July 2023 We are saddened to advise the passing of Max Pearce last week (Inducted into club 1971). Max’s retail career commenced as a 14 year at Reid Murray Store (later acquired by Coles) in Corowa NSW. He joined the Head Office Buying Division in 1968. Prior to his retirement in 1987 was Senior Controller Hardware Buying. Funeral Service 17-7-2023 Streaming Link Max will be sadly missed. Lloyd Gurton - July 2023 Lloyd started his career with Coles at Store 130 Pitt St, Sydney in February 1957. He transferred to several stores before being appointed as Department Manager in Newcastle. There followed further relocations culminating in his appointment to Store manager at Lithgow. His career extended into postings in SA and supervision and supermarket development. Lloyd will be sadly missed. Ken Moore - April 2023 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member Ken Moore OAM. at Tatura earlier this month (Inducted in 1973). Ken’s career was with the Food Service Division in Victoria & SA. In 1974 he was transferred to Shepparton and after retirement settled there. He contributed to the community there in many ways and in 2018 was awarded OAM. for Services to Shepparton Community. Ken will be sadly missed. Jim Thomas - April 2023 We are saddened to advise the passing of Jim Thomas last Sunday 2nd April at Frankston palliative care. Inducted into the club 1979. Jim's Coles career commenced as a 22 year old when he joined the accounting department in Head office. He later transferred to Sydney office for a short time then back to Melbourne, later becoming a Director of GJ Coles/Coles Myer Ltd. He played a major part in company acquisitions, including Kmart and later Myer. Many young people who joined Coles in the accounting area had successful careers due to mentorship of Jim. He had a passion for many sports but Cricket was his love, He revived interstate cricket within the company back in 1961, organising the first 3 State Easter Cricket Carnival, and later became National President of Coles Cricket Australia, organising many of the Coles Easter Cricket Carnivals which later involved all 6 states. He loved his time at Coles and the many friends that he and Lyn made and would often reminisce about "the old days at Coles" Jim will be sadly missed. Graham Burton - March 2023 We are saddened to advise the passing of Graham Burton on Sunday 5th March in Ocean Grove. Inducted into club ~ 1967. Graham's career commenced when he was about 18 years old in a NSW. Coles variety store. He then moved about in NSW, Qld, SA variety & supermarket stores and had various state buying roles before moving to National office as the first buyer for the range of Farmland private label products. He has a passion for sailing from a very early age and was a past Commodore of Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron. He loved his time at Coles and the many friends that he and Gloria made and would often reminisce about "the old days at Coles”. Graham will be sadly missed. Darryl Bishop - January 2023 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member Darryl Bishop (Inducted in 1987). Darryl’s career commenced in Roma Qld. and he received his first managerial appointment at Lutwyche, he later transferred to Brisbane Buying Officer and held many senior positions in Qld. In 1974 he transferred to Melbourne as a team member of the National Buying Office. Darryl will be sadly missed. Tributes 2022 SA/NT Tribute to Alan Williams “One day, as I was walking past the Supermarket (Coles Enfield), I noticed a sign which read, “wanted- full time lad” and I thought I might as well join the company full time”. Thus, his food retailing career started! A proud South Australian lad, Alan Williams joined Coles with a gusto for hard work and living, which propelled him on an absolutely wonderful career providing him with excitement, new experiences, fantastic development and really stellar opportunities. He started working at Coles Supermarket Store 418 Enfield in 1963 as a Trainee Executive and after metropolitan and country experience he was appointed Assistant Store Manager at Store 411 Rostrevor in 1969. He achieved his first major achievement being appointed a Store Manager at Store 429 Allenby Gardens in 1972 followed by subsequent appointments to Mount Gambier, Unley, and Port Adelaide. In 1976 he was appointed as a Zone Supervisor across a group of SA stores and then in 1978 his first interstate appointment to Store 576 Dandenong, Victoria. Alan embarked on a great new and welcomed experience in his next interstate journey as Store Manager to 404X Darwin in 1979. Here he was promoted to the highest Senior Store Management status (unique in the ranks) a fantastic recognition of his fine skills and ability. Head Office Merchandise appointments followed in 1981 as National Promotions Manager and other Sales management roles followed. A Victorian State appointment as Deputy Merchandise Manager in 1982 quickly transformed to a further Head Office role as Controller Sales, Supermarket & Foodservice Division, also in 1982. Alan’s proven ability shone further following his first state role in 1984 as General Manager then Managing Director of Coles New World Supermarkets, Tasmania. Further State MD Management roles continued, until the road led back to Senior Executive roles in National Office. In 1995 Alan was promoted to Managing Director of Coles and then Chief Operating Officer Coles Food, Liquor and Fuel Group in 2001. After years of outstanding dedication and service to Coles Myer in October 2003 Alan retired, but the “lad at heart” still had the motivation, joy, and energy to embark upon another love. I am sure Dianne, and his family were on top of the list and a few other things also had his close attention. Alan focused on working for several community organisations that revelled in using his many “life/Coles” skills and knowledge. These businesses included the Alfred Foundation, Foodbank Victoria and several remote indigenous groups. A statement he made in 2003 as he entered his “post-Coles” future really typifies his wonderful work ethic, He said: “Getting the profits and the sales, they’re important. But they’re not the memories. It’s the people who have delivered those results that have been the memories for me”. That’s Alan, such a Great human being! 25 Year Club SA/NT April 2002 William Winton - November 2022 Members are advised of the passing of William Winton. Inducted into the Coles 25 Year Club in 1997, William's employment was at the Coles Adelaide Distribution Centre Our sympathies to William's family Public notice can be visited here William (Bill) Hams - May 2022 Members are advised of the passing of Bill Hams on May 1st 2022 Joined Coles 25 Year Club in 1988. During employment he worked at the Coles Adelaide Distribution Centre Public notice can be accessed here Our sympathies to Bill's family. VIC Les Hines - October 2022 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member Les Hines. (Inducted in 1972). Les' career was with Supermarkets. He managed many Victoria stores and also spent time in Head Office. Les will be sadly missed. George Tennent - October 2022 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member George Tennent . (Inducted in 1980). George’s career commenced at Coles Supermarket Smith Street Collingwood, then followed time in Store opening H/O. He managed many stores in Victoria. George will be sadly missed. James (Jim) Warren - October 2022 We are saddened to advise the recent passing of James Warren in NSW. Inducted into the club 1981. Jame's career commenced @ Penneys (owned by Coles) Tamworth and then moved about in Coles variety stores before moving to Victoria. In Melbourne he was GJ Coles State Manager and also ran Fosseys Nationally. After retirement he moved back to Tamworth but got itchy feet and ended up managing the Fosseys store there for a couple of years, basically he finished up where it all started. He loved his time at Coles and the many friends he made and would often reminisce about "the old days at Coles" James (Jim) will be sadly missed. Kevin Lambert - July 2022 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member Kevin Lambert (Inducted in 1982). Kevin's career was within Coles Variety & Kmart commencing in #12 Bourke Street then spending time in a number of Variety Stores including working in Adelaide and Hobart for a short time. He then managed stores in Victoria, including Wonthaggi, Ararat and Sunshine, before moving into National office in mid 1980. Kevin was instrumental in setting up the Apparel Kimble tag system. Kevin will be sadly missed. Judy Pettigrew - June 2022 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member, Judy Pettigrew (Inducted in 1999) Working at Coles Supermarkets, Judy commenced at Noble Park and moved to various stores including Keysborough as Store Personal Manager. Prior to her retirement Judy was a team member of HR (Personal Dept) at National Office. Judy will be sadly missed. Alan Williams - April 2022 We are very saddened to advise that in Melbourne on Sunday 10th April the media reported a pedestrian tragically died when struck by a car while crossing a street in Abbotsford. Later that day it was confirmed that it was our dear colleague and Club member Alan Williams. Alan was a very respected Manager and colleague to many Coles people and we will provide more details on his passing in the near future. In the meantime please access the following links to view the relevant public notices. Death Notice Funeral Notice Alfred Mercuri - April 2022 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member Alferd Mercuri (Inducted in 1994). Alfred's career was with Coles Supermarkets his first role was as a Butcher then promoted to Manager & Supervisor, later in his career he moved to Victoria as Regional Fresh Food Manager. Our sympathies to Alfred's family. Joe Sarteschi - April 2022 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member, Joe Sarteschi on 8th April. Inducted in 1993. Joe’s career was largely with Kmart. He commenced in Coles Variety Stores and then transferred to Kmart, managed a number of stores and assisted in setting up Alice Springs & Darwin Stores, He later moved into National office in Merchandise Services department and was responsible for maintaining the Stock Management system. Joe also spent some time working in the Kmart Adelaide Office. A keen cricketer he played for the Coles Victoria club for many years and later umpired matches. Joe will be sadly missed. Joe's funeral service will be held on Wednesday 13th April @ 11.00am (Melbourne time) and can be streamed at: Streaming (Services are only available ‘Live’) Bev Sargeant - Feb 2022 The Victorian 25 Year Club is saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member Beverley (Bev) Sargeant (Inducted in 1981). Bev's career was with Coles Variety & Kmart. She commenced his career in Belgrave and managed stores in Victoria, NSW & Tasmania and moved in National office in mid 1980. Bev will be sadly missed. Ron Vorbach - January 2022 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member Ron Vorbach (Inducted in 1983). Ron's career was largely with Coles variety stores commencing at Store 47 Oakleigh and he managed many stores in later years transferring into the Garden Buying Office. Ron will be sadly missed. Ian Norman - January 2022 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member Ian Norman back in January this year. (Inducted in 1973) Ian’s career was with G J Coles. Commencing in 1947, he retired in 1980. He commenced as a Clerk in Accounts Department Head Office, was appointed I/C Store Audit Department in January 1950, Manager B.C.& M. Accounts Head Office in February 1977 and at the time of retirement was in Accounts Department, Head Office. Ian will be sadly missed. Tributes 2021 SA/NT No content VIC Ron Vorbach - January 2022 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member Ron Vorbach (Inducted in 1983). Ron's career was largely with Coles variety stores commencing at Store 47 Oakleigh and he managed many stores in later years transferring into the Garden Buying Office. Ron will be sadly missed. Elizabeth Snell - November 2021 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member, Elizabeth Snell (Inducted in 1989). Elizabeth’s career commenced in NSW Variety Stores & when her husband David transferred to H/O worked in various Kmart’s including almost 30 years in K1. Burwood Garden Dept. A private funeral was held on Friday 12th November. Liz will be sadly missed. Jim Maycock - October 2021 The Victorian arm of the Club is saddened to advise the passing on Tuesday 26th October of long term 25 year club member, Jim Maycock (Inducted in 1982). Jim’s career was largely with Supermarkets but his Coles career commenced in store #3 Brunswick variety stores back in the mid 1950. He will be sadly missed. Donna (Lex) Butler - September 2021 Members are advised of the recent passing of Donna Butler. Donna was known to us as Lex and was inducted into the club in 1986 having had a career in Coles Variety Stores and then Head Office Buying. Donna was a resident of the Sunshine Coast, Qld and will be sadly missed. Phil Hingston - September 2021 The Victorian arm of the club is saddened to advise the passing of Phil Hingston a long term 25 year club member inducted in1976. Phil’s career was largely within the Coles/Kmart Drapery Buying office. He was appointed as Director of Apparel Buying and became an Associate Director of G J Coles & Coy Ltd. Phil will be sadly missed. Terry Pile - August 2021 We are saddened to advise the passing of Terry Pile on Thursday 5th August. A long term 25 year club member, he was inducted into the club in 1987. Terry’s career was largely within the Coles & Kmart Buying offices. Terry will be sadly missed. Bob Halliday - April 2021 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member, Bob Halliday (Inducted in 1980). Bob was a very popular member of the Horsham community and to his many Coles colleagues and will be sadly missed. Ian McKinnon - March 2021 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Ian McKinnon on Sunday 14th March. Ian's Coles career commenced in SA were he managed a number of Variety Stores before moving into the Kmart Division. 1971 Appointed Manager K3 Ingle Farm. 1979 to 1990 Appointed General Manager Kmart Australia/NZ, and 1985 Kmart Managing Director Australia /NZ. Ian's wife Yvonne has arranged a Celebration of Ian’s life in Ballan on 10th April at 2pm in the Mechanics Institute Reserve 143 Inglis Street Ballan. Numbers will be restricted due in part to Covid regulations. Anyone wishing to attend can contact should email for contact details in regard to attendance. Ian was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1983) and will be sadly missed. Bob Krause - March 2021 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member, Robert (Bob) Krause. (Inducted 1984) Bob’s career was largely with Coles Variety, Supermarkets and Kmart Store Audit in Victoria as well as a posting in Western Australia. After his Store Audit years, Bob spent a number of years in Coles Head Office Methods and Systems then the later years as Manager of the Head Office Printing and Stationery department. For most of his Coles years he was additionally heavily involved playing, and on committees of the Victorian Coles Cricket Club. Those who knew Bob closely also knew of his passion of service and support to the Footscray Football Club where in the 70s, 80s and 90s in particular, was a volunteer talent scout for the Bulldogs and was responsible for a number of players who later played senior football with the club. Bob was very popular amongst his colleagues and will be sadly missed. Neville Holdsworth - March 2021 We are saddened to advise the passing of long term 25 year club member, Neville Holdsworth. (Inducted 1986). Neville’s career was largely with Coles Buying office. I can recall him in the Fancy Goods area as a buyer and over the years he held many senior management positions eventually being promoted to General Manager Variety Buying and GM of K auto he was made Associated Director in mid 1980. He will be remembered as a quiet astute no nonsense Coles Man and very popular amongst his colleagues and will be sadly missed. John Doyle - Jan 2021 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of John Coles Doyle to his Buying office colleagues earlier this week. John was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1981) his career covered both Coles & Kmart buying functions and will be sadly missed. Tributes 2020 SA/NT Ingrid Maxted - September 2020 Members are advised of the passing of Ingrid Maxted on Tuesday 8 September. Please refer the Advertiser Tributes for details and Service arrangements Our sympathies to family and friends. Lynette Bootsma - July 2020 Members are advised of the passing of Lynette Bootsma. Further details are available via the Advertiser Tributes page Our deepest sympathies are extended to Lynette's family and friends. Shane Moore - June 2020 Members are advised of the passing of Shane on 9 June 2020. Shane was employed at Coles for over 30 years and was a regular attendee at our Club dinners. Our deepest sympathies to Shane's family. Don Robinson - June 2020 It is with much sadness that members are informed of the passing of Don Robinson on June 23. A Diamond member, Don was a strong supporter of the club and a regular attendee at the annual dinners. He maintained his good humour and hearty spirit throughout his entire life. Don's service was conducted on Thursday 2 July. Our depest sympathies are extended to Don's family. Any member wishing to pass on condolences may request contact details via Tony or email request to Val Pavli - May 2020 It is with much sadness that members are advised of the recent passing of Val Pavli. Val was a long term employee at Kmart Firle and a regular attendee at the annual dinner up until recent years. We extend our sympathies to Val' s family. Please visit Advertiser Tributes Page for details. VIC Colin Prentice - Oct 2020 Members are advised of the passing of Colin Prentice in October 2020. Colin was an original Dickens food manager who later managed Coles Supermarkets in Vic. & WA. and after retirement settled there. He will be sadly missed. Bruce Pearson - October 2020 It is with deep regret that we advise of the passing of Bruce Pearson on Tuesday 20th October after a short time in hospital. Bruce commenced his Coles career in NSW, where he managed several Supermarkets, before transferring into Melbourne National Office. He was a long term member of the Coles 25 year Club (inducted in 1982) and an integral part of the small group that formed the Coles Vic 25 year Club in it's current format. Bruce was a hard working Club committee member who took great pleasure in providing us with beautiful table decorations at our annual lunches to enhance the experience for other members. The funeral service is planned for Wednesday 4th November and will be live streamed. Contact White Lady Funerals, Glenhuntly on (03) 9532 7077 for details Bruce will be very sadly missed. Ian Sutherland - October 2020 It is with deep regret that we advise the recent passing of Ian Sutherland. Ian's Coles career was mainly in buying areas of Variety, Kmart & Supermarkets. He was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1974) and will be sadly missed. John Thomas - September 2020 It is with deep regret that we advise the recent passing of John Thomas . John was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1979) and will be sadly missed. Colin Keens - July 2020 It is with deep regret that the Vic 25 Year Club advises of the passing of Colin Keens. Colin was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1995) and will be sadly missed. John McIntyre - April 2020 11/1/2022 - We have only recently been informed of the very sad news of the passing of John McIntyre in April, 2020. John was inducted into the 25 Year Club in 1978 and his entire working life was with G J Coles and Coles Myer between Sydney office and Head Office, for most of it in Store Audit and Methods and Systems. John was an extremely popular and widely respected colleague who eventually retired out of Sydney office and moved to the N.S.W. coast. So many of us would have known John and will be deeply saddened of this news. John Davidson - March 2020 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of John Davidson (Davo) on Tuesday 31st March. John was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1989) and will be sadly missed. Geoff Coulson - February 2020 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Geoff Coulson this week. Geoff was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1974) and will be sadly missed. The family have advised a Private Family Service to celebrate his life will be held and asked for Privacy at this sad time to allow the family to grieve - no phone calls please, but cards would be most welcome - address details can be provided by email request to Bob Briginshaw - February 2020 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Bob Briginshaw earlier this month. Bob was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1990) his career covered both Coles & Kmart, including time spent working in SA. He will be sadly missed. David Rowbery - January 2020 Members are advised of the passing of David Rowbery in January. Our sympathies to his family. Tributes 2019 SA/NT Michelle Davies - October 2019 It is with the deepest regret and sadness that members are advised of the passing of Michelle Davies. Michelle was a strong supporter of the club and regular attendee at the annual dinner. Our deepest and sincere sympathies go out to Kevin and family. Barry Twyford - June 2019 It is with great sadness that members are advised of the passing of Barry Twyford, who passed away on June 20 at the age of 73. Barry would be well known to the Kmart and Variety families locally and was a regular attendee at the annual dinner for which he was a strong supporter. He will be remembered fondly. Barry Rankine - February 2019 It is with much sadness that members are advised of the passing of Barry Rankine. Barry is well known as a long term Kmart employee and familiar face within the 25 year club, being a regular attendee at the reunion dinners. Our sympathies are extended to Barry's family and friends. VIC Norm Wood - September 2019 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Norm Woods on 18 September. Norm was a long term member of the club and will be sadly missed. Margaret Beveridge - September 2019 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Margaret Beveridge in September 2019. Margaret was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1986). Her career covered both Coles & Kmart and she will be sadly missed. Rowland Crossley - September 2019 It is with sadness that members are advised of the passing of of Rowland Crossley on September 11. Funeral details have been posted in the Melbourne papers - the Herald Sun and Age - for the funeral service to be conducted possibly on the 18th or 19th. Rowland was a popular member of the club and will be sadly missed. Dan Croucher - September 2019 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Dan Croucher Dan was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1976) and will be sadly missed. Graeme MacMillan - June 2019 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Graeme Macmillan Graeme was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1984) and will be sadly missed. Don Reynolds - May 2019 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Don Reynolds on Thursday 23rd May 2019 Don was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1988) and well known the SA Kmart and Coles Variety families He will be sadly missed. Roy Dallimore - April 2019 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Roy Dallimore in late April. Roy was a long term member of the Vic club (inducted in1967) and will be sadly missed. Tributes 2018 VIC Laszlo Kiss - November 2018 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Laszlo (Laci) Kiss. He was inducted into the club in 1996 and will be sadly missed. Laszlo was living at Penguin Tasmania. Bill Wardrobe - November 2018 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Bill Wardrobe @ the age of 70 (far too young). Bill was living at Evans Heads NSW north coast. Bill was inducted into the Club in1991 and will be sadly missed. Kevin Reed -September 2018 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Kevin Reed who passed away in September 2018. Kevin was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1984) and will be sadly missed. Laurie Thorley - October 2018 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Laurie Thorley (aged 9) in Sydney. Laurie was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1973) and will be sadly missed. Bob Skinner - July 2018 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Bob Skinner on the 18th July. Bob had a very long connection with SA, previously a GM Supermarkets here , State Manager interstate for a number of years and various HO positions. Bob’s family previously had ownership of part or all of Beilbys, the food chain Coles purchased to commence food retailing in SA in 1959.Bob was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1975)and will be sadly missed. Cyriel Dewever - July 2018 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Cyriel Dewever on 8th July. Cyriel was a long term member of the club (inducted in1981) and will be sadly missed. Len Collis – July 2018 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Len Collis on 4th July. Len was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1975) and will be sadly missed. Max Harding - March 2018 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Max Harding on the 2nd March. Max was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1979) and will be sadly missed. Hilary Jones - Jan 2018 It is with deep regret that we advise the passing of Hilary Jones on the 12th January 2018. Hilary was a long term member of the club (inducted in 1984) and will be sadly missed. Tributes 2017 SA/NT website updates coming soon VIC website updates coming soon Tributes 2016 SA/NT Peter Desmond Evans – inducted 1973 Gary Boyce – inducted 2004 Ray Scanlon – inducted 1996 VIC James Tucker – inducted 1975 Beatrice Zieren – inducted 2011 Tom Harrison – inducted 1970 Keith Mitchell – inducted 1986 Barrie Douglass – inducted 1979 Roger Northam – inducted 1987 Kevin Coppock – inducted in 1972 Dick Currey – inducted 1974 NSW Graeme Telly – inducted 1988