Current Employee – Unbroken Service

To be eligible to become a member you’ll need to confirm your period(s) of service. If you are a current employee with unbroken service you should be able to confirm eligibility either:

  1.  via the Coles’ Employee Self Service (ESS) portal by way of a system generated report containing your employment details
  2.  via confirmation of attendance at the Coles’ specific Induction Luncheon hosted by the Managing Director (or his / her appointee)

Once you have the relevant detail, go to the “Contact Us” tab and just drop us a line with the details. We’ll confirm your membership as soon as possible. You will not need to proceed to any of the other steps.

Current Employee – Broken Service

If Coles has already acknowledged all of your periods of service and adjusted your service dates, your details will be available via the Coles’ ESS portal as indicated at point 1. above.

If Coles has not acknowledged all of your periods of service, you will need to proceed as indicated under “Past Employee”.
Please note any periods of service recognised by the Coles SA 25 Year Club Social Group in this regard is not endorsed by Coles per se. (as in the Company) Should you want your service dates adjusted internally by Coles you will need to take that up with Human Resources directly – whilst the Social Group has Coles’ great support it is not attached to the business.

Past Employee

If you are a past employee you’ll need to provide some form of evidence of your period(s) of employment. We’ll also ask that you have a current member of the club act as a sponsor and endorse the evidence that you provide. Please proceed to Steps 2 and 3.

If you are a past employee and have gathered your evidence to submit, you’ll need to identify a colleague who is already a member and, as part of the application form, have them endorse you confirming your periods of service.
If you are not able to provide a sponsor, please ensure that you provide as much supporting information as you can, and simply note in the appropriate section of the form, “Not available”.

You’re ready now to complete your application (Step 3)

Download the attached form and complete all the required fields. Have your sponsor sign off and then simply scan and email to us via the “Contact Us” page.

Membership Form